The Aerospace Manufacturing Quality Management Solution You've Always Needed.

Create, manage, support and monitor aerospace manufacturing quality processes up to 75%  faster than traditional methods.


An AS9102 FAIR, or First Article Inspection Report (FAIR) validates that a product has been manufactured to the correct specification. Numerous large spreadsheets, detailed forms and compiled reports need to be gathered and often require 24+ hours of labor by quality engineers, manufacturers and other technical professionals to create. Processes may even need to change which can lead to missed deadlines.

Use 3D Models (3D MBD) in Your Quality Process with High QA

3D MBD can be effectively used in quality workflows. Inspection Manager provides a “single source of truth” for part quality data from both 2D and 3D files by managing all design, manufacturing, inspection, and quality data in a centralized digital location. This means inspection time is reduced and human interpretation is unnecessary resulting in fewer errors and inaccuracies. Having an authoritative single source of data provides greater repeatability, traceability, and accountability in the quality process.

How Do You Manage Your Aerospace Manufacturing Quality Process?

Industry Challenges

Manual, time-consuming, and Excel-based

How High QA Helps

Automated, Non-excel based, Dynamic

" More than 50 Aerospace manufacturing companies in India of all sizes rely on
High QA for manufacturing quality management software solutions "

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