Shop floor CMM
ITACA Italy and Geo-Informatics India are introducing Shop-floor flexible gauging, which uses various types of contact and non-contact probes aligned in clusters, as a solution that enables accurate inspection of parts on the shop floor as very high speeds and consistent repeatability.
Flex Gauge from ITACA is specially designed to adapt to inspection of the critical dimension of precise parts on shop floor with easy interface for operator using touch and play options.
The flexible gauging systems specifically conceived for shop floor control, with high precision and speed, designed and built by ITACA and powered by “Tangram”, the certified measuring software designed by ITACA specialists.
ITACA provides a flexible gauging solution that not only has the capability to inspect a component belonging to certain family of parts faster than a normal CMM but it also can inspect the part on the shop floor itself reducing the cycle time of inspection. With proven technology that can work in as good as 50 degrees Celsius, ITACA flex gauge is the go-to product for quick shop floor absolute gauging.
Welcome to ITACA solutions
Integrated turn-key systems for process quality in the Shop-Floor
FlexGauge C
FlexGauge C integrated cell for fully automatic measuring of essential brake calliper dimensions. The operator constantly loads parts while the machine measures at alternate stations, resulting in 0% idle time.
Applications: Scanning of extremely precise profiles at high speeds, such as bearings, gear profiles, and turbine blade sections. Linear parts such as racks, recirculating ball screws, external and interior profiles of straight tubes, and so on are measured.

FlexGauge T

Robot-integrated cell FlexGauge T for entirely automatic measurement of essential actuator dimensions for automobile injection. A robot feeds parts continuously, with full automation of loading, measuring, and unloading.
Applications: Scanning of extremely precise profiles at high speeds, such as bearings, gear profiles, and turbine blade sections. Small watchmaking parts, such as valve bodies and couplings, are measured. An ideal balance of volume measurement, cost, and precision.
The geometrical software engine that drives our devices, “Tangram,” is a mix of simplicity and power. Tangram is being regularly improved and extended based on a wealth of expertise gained over many years of working with metrological software and applications.
The software engine that drives our devices, “Tangram,” was originally designed as a stand-alone measuring programme. Tangram has been accessible since 2006 and has been regularly updated and extended based on ITACA designers and engineers’ extensive knowledge in metrological software and application over many years.
Developed and expanded in accordance with the deepest needs
It has the following main characteristics:
- A full-fledged metrological system
- Certification by the PTB
- There is no requirement for part-programming.
- Compensation for Geometrical Errors
- Prepared for thermal compensation
- Excellent value for money
- Compatible Pantec/Renishaw controllers
Tangram is the greatest equipment for our FlexGauge and is the appropriate option for a low-cost refit of any preowned CMM.
Tangram process control (TPC)
Customizable touch operator interface for simple and straightforward measuring cell control and shop-floor-oriented results presentation. It comes with a comprehensive SPC with all process information and parameter visuals.
Tangram is the customizable touch operator interface for simple and straightforward measuring cell control and shop-floor-oriented results presentation. It comes with a comprehensive SPC with all process information and parameter visuals.
Advantages of working on shop floor with
ITACA Flex gauge
- Monolithic air pads for maximum accuracy and strength with no maintenance required. For optimal thermal stability, the base and column are made of granite.
- Extremely small moving masses with a one-of-a-kind guide/stroke and guide/volume rate provide unrivalled acceleration and speed.
- Standard scales with 0.1 m resolution; ceramic or laser interferometer scales are optional for the daily thermal oscillation environment. Standard equipment includes thermal compensation on both the item and the machine.